About Nicholas Manella
Nicholas Manella has firmly established himself as a prominent leader in the technology sector, particularly in the healthcare and life sciences industry.

Nicholas's journey began at Penn State University, where his leadership and punctuality were evident. He graduated in May 2013 with a degree in Criminal Justice. During his college years, he contributed to the student newspaper, The Daily Collegian, and was a valued member of the Penn State boxing team. His involvement in both areas showcased his ability to lead and excel in diverse settings.

While at Penn State, Nicholas broadened his horizons through a study program in Amsterdam. This experience exposed him to various cultures and perspectives, enriching his global and technological outlook.

After graduation, Nicholas began a professional journey by completing the Information Technology Leadership Development Program at Johnson & Johnson. This achievement marked his entry into the technology field and highlighted his commitment to punctuality and rigorous discipline.

Nicholas's career path led him to Pittsburgh and later to Philadelphia, where he began consulting on digital marketing for the healthcare and life sciences industry. He has driven successful initiatives for over eight years, leveraging his leadership skills and punctuality.